Wednesday, 29 February 2012

BOOKS In Morocco!!!

This link over here, is one of the rare sites that talks about books and the emergence of books in Morocco. It is an article written by UNESCO so a reliable source. It is related to what we have seen in class, about books and the division of publishers as we have studied in chapter 6. For example, we can remark that between 2003 and 2004 more than 33% of the publication were about management( gestion in french). Unfortunately, this article is in french again because most of the publication about our Country are in french.
Moreover in this article, we can read about the evolution of lot of categories of  production. Also, it talks about the different languages published in Morocco and their distribution.
An observation that i want to share with you is that Morocco still has to do a progress because there is a huge difference between other countries comparing the numbers of books published. I can even say that is not comparable. Morocco is improving but should more focus on education, books... ( my personal point of view)


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